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검색어 :
부품명(s) : 2SC1972 C1972
eleflow technologies co., ltd.
eleflow technologies co., ltd.
상세내역 : 10 to 14 watts output power amplifiers in VHF band mobile radio applications
부품명(s) : 2SC1972 C1972 SC1972
상세내역 : NPN transistor for 10 to 14 watts output power amplifiers in VHF band mobile radio applications
부품명(s) : 2SC1969 C1969
eleflow technologies co., ltd.
eleflow technologies co., ltd.
상세내역 : 10 to 14 watts output power class AB amplifiers applications in HF band
부품명(s) : 2SC1945 C1945
eleflow technologies co., ltd.
eleflow technologies co., ltd.
상세내역 : 10 to 14 watts output power class AB amplifiers applications in HF band
부품명(s) : 2SC1971 C1971
eleflow technologies co., ltd.
eleflow technologies co., ltd.
상세내역 : 4 to 5 watts output power amplifiers in VHF band applications
부품명(s) : 2SC3133
eleflow technologies co., ltd.
eleflow technologies co., ltd.
상세내역 : 10 watts output power amplifiers in HF band SSB mobile radio application
부품명(s) : 2SC1970 C1970
eleflow technologies co., ltd.
eleflow technologies co., ltd.
상세내역 : 0.8 to 1 watts output power amplifiers and driver in VHF band mobille radio applications
부품명(s) : 2SC1946
eleflow technologies co., ltd.
eleflow technologies co., ltd.
상세내역 : 25 watts output power ampilflers applications in VHF band
상세내역 : Coaxial High Pass Filters 850 to 7000 MHz
상세내역 : SmaRT Series Users Guide
상세내역 : Phase Control Dual SCR, SCR/Diode Modules
상세내역 : Phase Control Dual SCR, SCR/Diode Modules
상세내역 : 10 watts, Single output
상세내역 : 10 watts, Single output
Fairchild Semiconductor
Fairchild Semiconductor
상세내역 : USB Dual Control Switches
상세내역 : Dual Diode Modules
New Jersey Semiconductor
New Jersey Semiconductor
상세내역 : 10 TO 13 dB TO 200 MHz 4 TO 25 watts VHF power TRANSISTORS
상세내역 : Phase Control Dual SCR, SCR/Diode Modules
상세내역 : Dual Diode Modules
부품명(s) : 2SC1324 C1324
New Jersey Semiconductor
New Jersey Semiconductor
상세내역 : NPN EPITAXIAL PLANAR TYPE(Broadband amplifiers from VHF to UHF band)
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